
Fuel poverty

Fuel poverty: "Under the Low Income High Costs definition, a household is considered to be fuel poor if: they have required fuel costs that are above average (the national median level); [and] were they to spend that amount, they would be left with a residual income below the official poverty line." (in Annual fuel poverty statistics report: 2015, p.9)


The frontiers of energy (2016)

Armstrong, R. C., Wolfram, C., de Jong, K. P., Gross, R., Lewis, N. S., Boardman, B., Ragauskas, A. J., Ehrhardt-Martinez, K., and Crabtree, G. (2016). The frontiers of energy. Nature Energy, vol 1, art 201520:
"Great strides have been made over the past century in our ability to harness energy sources, leading to profound transformations — both good and bad — in society. Looking at the energy system of today, it is clear that meeting the energy needs of the world now and in the years to come requires the concerted efforts of many different actors across a range of technologies and approaches. In this Feature, ten leading experts in energy research share their vision of what challenges their respective fields need to address in the coming decades. The issues being faced are diverse and multifaceted, from the search for better materials for fuels, to the design of energy policy and markets for the developing world. However, a common theme emerges: changes to adapt and improve our energy system are greatly needed. By improving our mutual understanding of the issues faced by each area of energy research, these changes can happen more smoothly, efficiently and rapidly."


relação entre o tempo que faz e a energia renovável produzida

EnergizAIR: projecto europeu financiado pelo Programa Intelligent Energy Europe da Comissão Europeia. Coordenado pela Associação de Energias Renováveis Belga Apere, será implementado em 4 países europeus além de Portugal; França, Bélgica, Itália e Eslovénia.

Distribuição territorial com percentagem de energias renováveis produzidas (energia solar térmica, solar fotovoltaica e eólica), na última semana.


Steel industry in Netherlands

"The steel maker has announced that they intend to mount 80 000 solar panels on the factory roofs at its IJmuiden steelworks – an area equivalent to 40 football pitches. The solar project will have a 22 megawatt capacity and will generate the same amount of energy needed to power about 7000 homes." + info

(US) materials science in 2015

"materials science has been and will continue to be at the forefront of clean energy innovations. In 2015, we reported on three major clean energy trends thanks to advanced materials and engineering." + info